How We Serve

Mission Work

The early Jesus Movement was not built on a new belief system.  The only proclamation that mattered was, “Jesus Christ is Lord!”  Which meant, quite literally, that Caesar was not.  Jesus overturned the power structure of his time.  His dream of the Reign of God was based not on the love of power but on the power of love.  At First Congregational Church, we favor simple, authentic, non-performative worship and service to our community, especially to those who are struggling.

Our mission work is ongoing, under the direction of our Social Justice Committee.  We are a fixture at the Gay Pride Parade in Norman, the CROP Walk of Norman, and the AIDS walk in Oklahoma City.  We have participated in interfaith events in Norman and are active in recycling efforts and the work of Red Dirt Collective, whose mission is to work in solidarity with the poor and working class of Norman.  We partner with the Women’s Resource Center to adopt families at Christmas and contribute to household items at East Main Place.

We continue to seek out new ways to help our neighbors in Norman and make a positive contribution without any religious or theological agenda.  Our giving is truly “no strings attached.”  We take the word of Micah 6:8 to heart:  “What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

Circle of Care

Circle of Care is a group of church volunteers at First Congregational Church who stand ready to assist with any of the many needs that church members might have. Anything from visiting sick or shut ins in the hospital or home, delivering meals after surgery or illness, sending cards of condolence, celebration, or concern, making phone calls, taking members to doctor appointments or any of the other ways that folks in our community may have needs.  If you need any of these services or know of someone that does, please let us know so that we can be of assistance. Feel free to notify us by sending an email to or by listing the need or contact information on the form at church on the weekly Communications Card.

Adult Education

From the beginning, the people of First Congregational Church Norman UCC have believed in the importance of biblical scholarship and the life of the mind as well as the heart.  Early in the life of this congregation, we invited important theologians and those committed to social justice to speak to our congregation and the wider Norman community.  These events have included presentations by Rev. Dr. Robin Meyers, Bishop John Shelby Spong, Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, author Rilla Askew, Stephanie Mott, Bob Minor, Rev. Rita Nakashima Brock, Jesus Seminar on the Road scholars Maria Kotrosits and Hal Taussig, and former Jesuit priest and pacifist John Dear, among others.  We have studied numerous books together, and we value the opportunity to learn, grow, and ask questions in a Beloved Community devoted to being curious and courageous as well as faithful.  Anyone can join our book studies or other classes at any time.  We usually meet at 3 pm, an hour before worship, in the fellowship hall of Memorial Presbyterian Church.

Get Involved

Join us to worship, serve our community, learn, or all of the above.